

· 阅读需 71 分钟
Tali Garsiel
Paul Irish

现代 web 浏览器的背后

英文原文于 2011 年 8 月 5 日发布在 web.dev 上 (原文链接)

  这份关于 WebKit 和 Gecko 内部操作的全面入门材料,是以色列开发人员 Tali Garsiel 所做的大量研究的结果。在过去的几年里,她审阅了所有关于浏览器内部结构的公开数据,并花了大量时间阅读网络浏览器的源代码。她写道:

Tali Garsiel:

  在IE占据 90% 市场的那些年里,我们除了将浏览器视为“黑盒”外,没有什么可做的。但现在,随着开源浏览器占据了超过一半的市场份额,是时候窥探一下引擎的核心,看看 web 浏览器内部是什么了。好吧,里面有数百万行的 C++ 代码……

  Tali 在她的网站上发表了她的研究,但我们知道这值得被广泛传播,所以我们把它整理了一下,并在这里重新发表。

  作为一名 web 开发人员,了解浏览器内部的操作原理可以帮助你做出更好的决策,并了解最佳开发方法背后的理由。虽然这是一个相当长的文档,但我们建议您花些时间深入研究。我们保证你研究完之后会很满意。

-- Paul Irish, Chrome Developer Relations


  Web 浏览器是使用最为广泛的软件。在本文中,我将解释它们在幕后是如何工作的。从你在地址栏中输入 google.com 开始,直到浏览器屏幕上显示谷歌页面为止,浏览器到底干了些什么?让我们一起来探究这个过程。


  现在有五种主要的桌面浏览器:Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari 和 Opera。在移动端,主要的浏览器有 Android 浏览器、iPhone、Opera Mini 和 Opera mobile、UC 浏览器、Nokia S40/S60 浏览器和 Chrome。在这其中,除了 Opera 浏览器,其他浏览器都基于 WebKit。我将从开源浏览器 Firefox 和 Chrome 以及 Safari (部分开源) 中举例。根据 StatCounter 的统计数据 (截至 2013 年 6 月),Chrome、Firefox 和 Safari 占据了全球桌面浏览器使用量的 71% 左右。在移动设备上,Android 浏览器、iPhone 和 Chrome 的使用率约为 54%。


浏览器的主要功能是,从服务器请求所选择的 web 资源,并在浏览器窗口中显示它们。这些资源通常是HTML文档,但也可能是 PDF、图像或其他类型的内容。资源的位置由用户使用 URI (Uniform Resource Identifier,统一资源标识符) 指定。

浏览器解释和显示 HTML 文件的方式由 HTML 和 CSS 的规范指定。这些规范由 W3C (World Wide Web Consortium,万维网联盟) 组织维护,该组织是 web 的标准组织。多年来,浏览器只遵循了部分规范,并开发了自己的扩展。这给网页作者带来了严重的兼容性问题。如今,大多数浏览器或多或少都符合规范。


  1. 用于插入 URI 的地址栏
  2. 后退和前进按钮
  3. 书签选项
  4. 刷新和停止按钮,用于刷新或停止对当前文档的加载
  5. 返回主页的 Home 按钮

奇怪的是,没有任何正式的规范指定了浏览器的用户界面。这只是来自于多年的经验和浏览器相互模仿而形成的良好结果。HTML5 规范没有定义浏览器必须拥有的 UI (User Interface,用户界面) 元素,但还是列出了一些常见元素。其中包括地址栏、状态栏和工具栏。当然,某些浏览器也有其独特的功能,比如 Firefox 的下载管理器。



  1. 用户界面:包括地址栏、后退/前进按钮、书签菜单等。这包含浏览器显示的每个部分,除了您查看请求页面的窗口。
  2. 浏览器引擎:整合渲染引擎并构建 UI。
  3. 渲染引擎:负责显示请求的内容。例如,如果请求的内容是 HTML 页面,呈现引擎将解析 HTML 和 CSS,并在屏幕上显示解析后的内容。
  4. 网络:对于网络调用 (如 HTTP 请求),在与平台无关的接口后面使用针对不同平台的不同实现。
  5. UI 后端:用于绘制基本的小部件,如组件 (combo box) 和窗口。这个后端暴露了一个平台通用的接口。它向下直接调用操作系统 UI 相关的方法。
  6. JavaScript 解释器:用于解析和执行 JavaScript 代码。
  7. 数据存储:这是一个持久层。浏览器可能需要在本地保存各种数据,比如 cookie。浏览器还支持 localStorage、IndexedDB、WebSQL 和文件系统等存储机制。
图片 1: 浏览器成

需要注意的是,浏览器 (如 Chrome) 会运行多个渲染引擎实例:每个页面一个实例。每个页面在单独的进程中运行。



默认情况下,渲染引擎可以显示 HTML 和 XML 文档和图像。它可以通过安装插件或扩展来显示其他类型的数据。例如,使用 PDF 查看器插件显示 PDF 文档。然而,在本章中,我们将关注主要的用例:显示使用 CSS 格式化的 HTML 和图像。


不同的浏览器使用不同的渲染引擎:Internet Explorer 使用 Trident, Firefox 使用 Gecko, Safari 使用 WebKit。Chrome 和 Opera (从版本 15 开始) 使用 Blink,这是 WebKit 的一个分支。

WebKit 是一个开源的渲染引擎,最初用于 Linux 平台,后来被苹果修改为支持 Mac 和 Windows。详情请参见webkit.org


渲染引擎将开始从网络层获取所请求文档的内容。这些内容通常被分为很多 8kB 的块。


图片 2: 渲染引擎的基本流程

The rendering engine will start parsing the HTML document and convert elements to DOM nodes in a tree called the "content tree". The engine will parse the style data, both in external CSS files and in style elements. Styling information together with visual instructions in the HTML will be used to create another tree: the render tree. 渲染引擎将开始解析 HTML 文档,并将元素转换为称为 “content tree” 的树中的 DOM 节点。引擎将解析外部 CSS 文件和样式元素中的样式数据。样式信息和 HTML 中的可视指令将用于创建另一棵树:渲染树。


After the construction of the render tree it goes through a "layout" process. This means giving each node the exact coordinates where it should appear on the screen. The next stage is painting - the render tree will be traversed and each node will be painted using the UI backend layer. 在构建渲染树之后,它会经历一个“布局”过程。这意味着为树中每个节点提供它应该出现在屏幕上的确切坐标。下一个阶段是绘制——渲染树将被遍历,每个节点将使用UI后端层绘制。

重要的是要明白,这是一个渐进的过程。为了更好的用户体验,渲染引擎会尽量在屏幕上尽快显示内容。它不会等到所有 HTML 都解析完毕后才开始构建和布局渲染树。部分内容将提前被解析和显示,而随着来自网络的其余内容到达,该过渲染过程将继续。


WebKit main flow.
图片 3: WebKit 主要流程
Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine main flow.
图片 4: Mozilla 旗下的 Gecko 渲染引擎的主要流程

Mozilla 的 Gecko 渲染引擎从图 3 和图 4 可以看到,尽管 WebKit 和 Gecko 使用的术语略有不同,但流程基本上是相同的。

Gecko 称视觉上格式化的元素树为“Frame tree”。每个元素都是一个 Frame。WebKit 使用术语“Render Tree”,它由“Render Objects”组成。WebKit 使用术语“Layout”来放置元素,而 Gecko 称之为“Reflow”。“Attachment”是 WebKit 用于连接 DOM 节点和可视信息以创建渲染树的术语。一个微小的非语义差异是,Gecko 在 HTML 和 DOM 树之间有一个额外的层。它被称为“Content Sink”(内容槽),是制作 DOM 元素的工厂。我们将讨论流程的每个部分:



解析文档意味着将其转换为程序可以使用的结构。解析的结果通常是表示文档结构的节点树。这被称为解析树(parse tree)或语法树。

例如,解析表达式 2 + 3 - 1 将返回下面这个解析树:

Mathematical expression tree node.
图片 5: 数学表达式的树节点


Parsing is based on the syntax rules the document obeys: the language or format it was written in. Every format you can parse must have deterministic grammar consisting of vocabulary and syntax rules. It is called a context free grammar. Human languages are not such languages and therefore cannot be parsed with conventional parsing techniques. 解析过程基于文档的句法 (syntax,语言中单词或语句的排列方式)。文档遵循的句法,指的是编写文档的语言或格式。每种可以解析的格式都必须具有确定的语法 (grammar,语言的整体结构和用法),一般由词汇和句法规则组成。这被称为上下文无关语法。人类语言不是这样的语言,因此不能用传统的解析技术进行解析。

解析器-词法分析器 (Lexer) 的组合

解析过程可以分为两个子过程:词法分析 (lexical analysis) 和句法分析。

词法分析是将程序输入分解为标记 (Token) 的过程。标记是语言的词汇,即有效构组成成分的集合。在人类语言中,它由词典中出现的该语言的所有单词组成。


解析器通常将任务划分为两个部分:词法分析器 (有时称为标记器,tokenizer) 负责将输入分解为有效的标记;解析器负责根据句法规则分析文档结构,来构造解析树。


图片 6:根据原文档构建解析树





Compilation flow
图片 7:编译过程


在图 5 中,我们根据一个数学表达式构建了解析树。让我们尝试定义一种简单的数学语言,并观察解析表达式的过程。




  1. 这个语言中,句法的基本单元是“表达式”、“项”和“操作”
  2. 我们的语言可以包含任意数量的“表达式”
  3. “表达式”定义为“项”后面跟着“操作”,后面跟着另一个“项”
  4. 一个“操作”是一个“加号”或“减号”
  5. “项”是一个“整数”或“表达式”

我们分析一下输入 2 + 3 - 1

配规则的第一个子字符串是 2:根据规则 #5,它是一个项。 第二个匹配是 2 + 3,它匹配规则 #3:一个项后面跟着一个操作,后面跟着另一个项。 下一个匹配只会在输入的末尾被确认。 2 + 3 - 1 是一个表达式,因为我们已经知道 2 + 3 是一个项,所以我们有一个项,后面跟着一个运算,后面跟着另一个项。 2 + + 不会匹配任何规则,因此是无效输入。




INTEGER: 0|[1-9][0-9]*


句法通常以一种称为 BNF (Backus–Naur form,逆波兰表达式) 的格式定义。 我们的语言被定义为:

expression :=  term  operation  term
operation := PLUS | MINUS
term := INTEGER | expression

我们说过,如果一种语言的语法是与上下文无关的语法,那么它就可以被常规解析器解析。 上下文无关语法的直观定义是,可以完全用 BNF 表示的语法。 有关 BNF 的正式定义,请参阅维基百科的文章:上下文无关语法




自顶向下解析器将从更高级别的规则开始:它将把 2 + 3 标识为表达式。然后,它将 2 + 3 - 1 标识为表达式 (识别表达式的过程不断推进,匹配其他规则,但起点是最高级别的规则)。


2 + 3 - 1
+ 3 - 1
项 操作符3 - 1
表达式- 1
表达式 操作符1

这种类型的自底向上解析器称为 shift-reduce 解析器,因为输入是向右移动的 (想象一个指针首先指向输入起点并向右移动),并且逐渐被简化为句法规则。



WebKit 使用了两个著名的解析器生成器:用于创建词法分析器的 Flex,和用于创建解析器的 Bison (您可能会在它们中遇到 Lex 和 Yacc 这两个名称)。 Flex 的输入是一个包含标记的正则表达式定义的文件。 Bison 的输入是 BNF 格式的语言语法规则。

HTML 解析器

HTML 解析器的任务是将 HTML 标记解析为解析树。

HTML 语法定义

HTML 的词汇和语法在 W3C 组织创建的规范中定义。


正如我们在解析的介绍中所看到的,语法的句法可以用像 BNF 这样的格式正式定义。

不幸的是,所有传统的解析器主题都不适用于 HTML (我提出它们并不是为了好玩 —— 它们将用于解析 CSS 和 JavaScript)。HTML 不能轻易地用解析器需要的上下文无关语法来定义。

定义 HTML 有一个正式的格式 —— DTD (Document Type Definition,文档类型定义) —— 但它不是一个与上下文无关的语法。

乍一看,这似乎很奇怪;HTML 非常接近XML。有很多可用的 XML 解析器。 HTML 有一种 XML 变体 —— XHTML —— 这有什么很大的区别吗?

区别在于 HTML 方法更“宽容”:它允许您省略某些标记(然后隐式添加),或者有时省略开始或结束标记,等等。 总的来说,它是一种“软”语法,与 XML 的僵硬和苛刻的语法相反。

这个看起来很小的细节却有很大的不同。 一方面,这是 HTML 如此受欢迎的主要原因:它可以容忍你的错误,让网页作者的生活更轻松。 另一方面,它使编写正式语法变得困难。总而言之,传统的解析器无法轻松解析 HTML,因为它的语法并不是上下文无关的。HTML 不能被 XML 解析器解析。


HTML 的定义采用 DTD 格式。此格式用来定义 SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language,标准通用标记语言) 家族的语言。该格式包含所有允许的元素、它们的属性和层次结构的定义。正如我们前面看到的,HTML 的 DTD 没有形成与上下文无关的语法。

DTD 有一些变体。DTD 的严格模式完全符合规范;但其他模式包含对过去浏览器使用的标记的支持,目的是向后兼容旧内容。 当前的严格 DTD 在这里: www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd


输出树(“解析树”)是 DOM 元素和属性节点的树。 DOM 是文档对象模型的简称。 它是 HTML 文档的对象表示,也是 HTML 元素与外部世界的接口,就像 JavaScript 一样。


DOM 与标记的关系几乎是一对一的。 例如:

Hello World
<div> <img src="example.png"/></div>

该标记将被转换为以下 DOM 树:

DOM tree of the example markup
图片 8: 示例标记的 DOM 树

与 HTML 一样,DOM 是由 W3C 组织指定的,参考www.w3.org/DOM/DOMTR。 DOM 是操作文档的通用规范。其特定模块描述了 HTML 的特定元素。HTML 定义可以在这里找到: www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-DOM-Level-2-HTML-20030109/idl-definitions.html

当我说树包含 DOM 节点时,我想表达的是,树是由“实现 DOM 接口之一”的元素构成的。在浏览器使用的具体实现中,这个元素会包含浏览器内部所需的其他属性。


正如我们在前几节中看到的,HTML 不能使用常规的自顶向下或自底向上解析器进行解析。


  1. 该语言本质上非常宽容。
  2. 浏览器能容错的事实。为了支持早期的 HTML,浏览器具有对历史版本的容错能力。
  3. 解析的过程中,源可能发生修改。对于其他语言,源在解析过程中不会改变,但在 HTML 中,动态代码 (例如包含 document.write() 调用的脚本元素) 可以添加额外的标记,因此解析过程实际上会修改输入。

由于无法使用常规解析技术,浏览器会创建特定的解析器来解析 HTML。

解析算法在 HTML5 规范中有详细描述。 该算法分为两个阶段:标记化 (tokenization) 和树构造 (tree construction)。

标记化是词法分析,将输入解析为标记。 HTML 标记包括开始标记、结束标记、属性名和属性值。


HTML parsing flow (taken from HTML5 spec)
图片 9:HTML 的解析流程 (以 HTML5 为例)


算法的输出是一个HTML标记。 该算法用一个状态机表示。 每个状态消耗输入流的一个或多个字符,并根据这些字符更新下一个状态。 该决策受到当前标记化状态和树构造状态的影响。 这意味着,根据当前状态的不同,消耗相同的字符将为正确的下一状态产生不同的结果。 很难完全描述这个复杂的算法,所以让我们看一个简单的例子来帮助我们理解原理。

基本示例 —— 标记以下 HTML:

Hello world

初始状态是“Data”。 当遇到 < 字符时,状态被更改为 “Tag Open”。 使用一个 a-z 字符会导致创建一个“开始标记标记”,状态被更改为 “Tag Name”。 我们一直保持这种状态,直到 > 字符被消耗掉。每个字符都被追加到新的标记名。在我们的例子中,创建的标记是一个 html 标记。

当到达 > 标记时,发出当前标记,状态变回 “Data”。 标记 <body> 将按相同的步骤处理。 到目前为止, htmlbody 标签都已发出。现在我们回到了 “Data”。 消耗 Hello worldH 字符将导致创建和释放一个字符标记,直到到达 </body> 中的 < 为止。我们将为 Hello world 的每个字符发出一个字符标记。

我们现在回到了 “Tag Open”。 使用下一个输入 / 将导致创建一个结束标记标记,并移动到 “Tag Name”。我们再次保持这个状态,直到到达 >。然后将发出新的标记标记,我们返回到 “Data”。 输入 </html> 将像前一种情况一样处理。

图片 10:标记示例输入

Tree construction algorithm

When the parser is created the Document object is created. During the tree construction stage the DOM tree with the Document in its root will be modified and elements will be added to it. Each node emitted by the tokenizer will be processed by the tree constructor. For each token the specification defines which DOM element is relevant to it and will be created for this token. The element is added to the DOM tree, and also the stack of open elements. This stack is used to correct nesting mismatches and unclosed tags. The algorithm is also described as a state machine. The states are called "insertion modes".

Let's see the tree construction process for the example input:

Hello world

The input to the tree construction stage is a sequence of tokens from the tokenization stage. The first mode is the "initial mode". Receiving the "html" token will cause a move to the "before html" mode and a reprocessing of the token in that mode. This will cause creation of the HTMLHtmlElement element, which will be appended to the root Document object.

The state will be changed to "before head". The "body" token is then received. An HTMLHeadElement will be created implicitly although we don't have a "head" token and it will be added to the tree.

We now move to the "in head" mode and then to "after head". The body token is reprocessed, an HTMLBodyElement is created and inserted and the mode is transferred to "in body".

The character tokens of the "Hello world" string are now received. The first one will cause creation and insertion of a "Text" node and the other characters will be appended to that node.

The receiving of the body end token will cause a transfer to "after body" mode. We will now receive the html end tag which will move us to "after after body" mode. Receiving the end of file token will end the parsing.

Tree construction of example HTML.
图片 11: tree construction of example html

Actions when the parsing is finished

At this stage the browser will mark the document as interactive and start parsing scripts that are in "deferred" mode: those that should be executed after the document is parsed. The document state will be then set to "complete" and a "load" event will be fired.

You can see the full algorithms for tokenization and tree construction in the HTML5 specification.

Browsers' error tolerance

You never get an "Invalid Syntax" error on an HTML page. Browsers fix any invalid content and go on.

Take this HTML for example:

Really lousy HTML

I must have violated about a million rules ("mytag" is not a standard tag, wrong nesting of the "p" and "div" elements and more) but the browser still shows it correctly and doesn't complain. So a lot of the parser code is fixing the HTML author mistakes.

Error handling is quite consistent in browsers, but amazingly enough it hasn't been part of HTML specifications. Like bookmarking and back/forward buttons it's just something that developed in browsers over the years. There are known invalid HTML constructs repeated on many sites, and the browsers try to fix them in a way conformant with other browsers.

The HTML5 specification does define some of these requirements. (WebKit summarizes this nicely in the comment at the beginning of the HTML parser class.)

The parser parses tokenized input into the document, building up the document tree. If the document is well-formed, parsing it is straightforward.

Unfortunately, we have to handle many HTML documents that are not well-formed, so the parser has to be tolerant about errors.

We have to take care of at least the following error conditions:

  1. The element being added is explicitly forbidden inside some outer tag. In this case we should close all tags up to the one which forbids the element, and add it afterwards.
  2. We are not allowed to add the element directly. It could be that the person writing the document forgot some tag in between (or that the tag in between is optional). This could be the case with the following tags: HTML HEAD BODY TBODY TR TD LI (did I forget any?).
  3. We want to add a block element inside an inline element. Close all inline elements up to the next higher block element.
  4. If this doesn't help, close elements until we are allowed to add the element - or ignore the tag.

Let's see some WebKit error tolerance examples:

</br> instead of <br>

Some sites use </br> instead of <br>. In order to be compatible with IE and Firefox, WebKit treats this like <br>.

The code:

if (t->isCloseTag(brTag) && m_document->inCompatMode()) {
t->beginTag = true;

Note that the error handling is internal: it won't be presented to the user.

A stray table

A stray table is a table inside another table, but not inside a table cell.

For example:

<tr><td>inner table</td></tr>
<tr><td>outer table</td></tr>

WebKit will change the hierarchy to two sibling tables:

<tr><td>outer table</td></tr>
<tr><td>inner table</td></tr>

The code:

if (m_inStrayTableContent && localName == tableTag)

WebKit uses a stack for the current element contents: it will pop the inner table out of the outer table stack. The tables will now be siblings.

Nested form elements

In case the user puts a form inside another form, the second form is ignored.

The code:

if (!m_currentFormElement) {
m_currentFormElement = new HTMLFormElement(formTag, m_document);

A too deep tag hierarchy

The comment speaks for itself.


www.liceo.edu.mx is an example of a site that achieves a level of nesting of about 1500 tags, all from a bunch of <b>s. We will only allow at most 20 nested tags of the same type before just ignoring them all together.

bool HTMLParser::allowNestedRedundantTag(const AtomicString& tagName)

unsigned i = 0;
for (HTMLStackElem* curr = m_blockStack;
i < cMaxRedundantTagDepth && curr && curr->tagName == tagName;
curr = curr->next, i++) { }
return i != cMaxRedundantTagDepth;

Misplaced html or body end tags

Again - the comment speaks for itself.


Support for really broken HTML. We never close the body tag, since some stupid web pages close it before the actual end of the doc. Let's rely on the end() call to close things.

if (t->tagName == htmlTag || t->tagName == bodyTag )

So web authors beware - unless you want to appear as an example in a WebKit error tolerance code snippet - write well formed HTML.

CSS parsing

Remember the parsing concepts in the introduction? Well, unlike HTML, CSS is a context free grammar and can be parsed using the types of parsers described in the introduction. In fact the CSS specification defines CSS lexical and syntax grammar.

Let's see some examples:

The lexical grammar (vocabulary) is defined by regular expressions for each token:

comment   \/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*\/
num [0-9]+|[0-9]*"."[0-9]+
nonascii [\200-\377]
nmstart [_a-z]|{nonascii}|{escape}
nmchar [_a-z0-9-]|{nonascii}|{escape}
name {nmchar}+
ident {nmstart}{nmchar}*

"ident" is short for identifier, like a class name. "name" is an element id (that is referred by "#" )

The syntax grammar is described in BNF.

: selector [ ',' S* selector ]*
'{' S* declaration [ ';' S* declaration ]* '}' S*
: simple_selector [ combinator selector | S+ [ combinator? selector ]? ]?
: element_name [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo ]*
| [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo ]+
: '.' IDENT
: IDENT | '*'
: '[' S* IDENT S* [ [ '=' | INCLUDES | DASHMATCH ] S*
[ IDENT | STRING ] S* ] ']'
: ':' [ IDENT | FUNCTION S* [IDENT S*] ')' ]


A ruleset is this structure:

div.error, a.error {

div.error and a.error are selectors. The part inside the curly braces contains the rules that are applied by this ruleset. This structure is defined formally in this definition:

: selector [ ',' S* selector ]*
'{' S* declaration [ ';' S* declaration ]* '}' S*

This means a ruleset is a selector or optionally a number of selectors separated by a comma and spaces (S stands for white space). A ruleset contains curly braces and inside them a declaration or optionally a number of declarations separated by a semicolon. "declaration" and "selector" will be defined in the following BNF definitions.

WebKit CSS parser

WebKit uses Flex and Bison parser generators to create parsers automatically from the CSS grammar files. As you recall from the parser introduction, Bison creates a bottom up shift-reduce parser. Firefox uses a top down parser written manually. In both cases each CSS file is parsed into a StyleSheet object. Each object contains CSS rules. The CSS rule objects contain selector and declaration objects and other objects corresponding to CSS grammar.

Parsing CSS.
图片 12: parsing CSS

The order of processing scripts and style sheets


The model of the web is synchronous. Authors expect scripts to be parsed and executed immediately when the parser reaches a <script> tag. The parsing of the document halts until the script has been executed. If the script is external then the resource must first be fetched from the network - this is also done synchronously, and parsing halts until the resource is fetched. This was the model for many years and is also specified in HTML4 and 5 specifications. Authors can add the "defer" attribute to a script, in which case it will not halt document parsing and will execute after the document is parsed. HTML5 adds an option to mark the script as asynchronous so it will be parsed and executed by a different thread.

Speculative parsing

Both WebKit and Firefox do this optimization. While executing scripts, another thread parses the rest of the document and finds out what other resources need to be loaded from the network and loads them. In this way, resources can be loaded on parallel connections and overall speed is improved. Note: the speculative parser only parses references to external resources like external scripts, style sheets and images: it doesn't modify the DOM tree - that is left to the main parser.

Style sheets

Style sheets on the other hand have a different model. Conceptually it seems that since style sheets don't change the DOM tree, there is no reason to wait for them and stop the document parsing. There is an issue, though, of scripts asking for style information during the document parsing stage. If the style is not loaded and parsed yet, the script will get wrong answers and apparently this caused lots of problems. It seems to be an edge case but is quite common. Firefox blocks all scripts when there is a style sheet that is still being loaded and parsed. WebKit blocks scripts only when they try to access certain style properties that may be affected by unloaded style sheets.

Render tree construction

While the DOM tree is being constructed, the browser constructs another tree, the render tree. This tree is of visual elements in the order in which they will be displayed. It is the visual representation of the document. The purpose of this tree is to enable painting the contents in their correct order.

Firefox calls the elements in the render tree "frames". WebKit uses the term renderer or render object.

A renderer knows how to lay out and paint itself and its children.

WebKit's RenderObject class, the base class of the renderers, has the following definition:

class RenderObject{
virtual void layout();
virtual void paint(PaintInfo);
virtual void rect repaintRect();
Node* node; //the DOM node
RenderStyle* style; // the computed style
RenderLayer* containgLayer; //the containing z-index layer

Each renderer represents a rectangular area usually corresponding to a node's CSS box, as described by the CSS2 spec. It includes geometric information like width height and position.

The box type is affected by the "display" value of the style attribute that is relevant to the node (see the style computation section). Here is WebKit code for deciding what type of renderer should be created for a DOM node, according to the display attribute:

RenderObject* RenderObject::createObject(Node* node, RenderStyle* style)
Document* doc = node->document();
RenderArena* arena = doc->renderArena();
RenderObject* o = 0;

switch (style->display()) {
case NONE:
case INLINE:
o = new (arena) RenderInline(node);
case BLOCK:
o = new (arena) RenderBlock(node);
o = new (arena) RenderBlock(node);
o = new (arena) RenderListItem(node);

return o;

The element type is also considered: for example, form controls and tables have special frames.

In WebKit if an element wants to create a special renderer, it will override the createRenderer() method. The renderers point to style objects that contains non geometric information.

The render tree relation to the DOM tree

The renderers correspond to DOM elements, but the relation is not one to one. Non-visual DOM elements will not be inserted in the render tree. An example is the "head" element. Also elements whose display value was assigned to "none" will not appear in the tree (whereas elements with "hidden" visibility will appear in the tree).

There are DOM elements which correspond to several visual objects. These are usually elements with complex structure that cannot be described by a single rectangle. For example, the "select" element has three renderers: one for the display area, one for the drop down list box and one for the button. Also when text is broken into multiple lines because the width is not sufficient for one line, the new lines will be added as extra renderers.

Another example of multiple renderers is broken HTML. According to the CSS spec an inline element must contain either only block elements or only inline elements. In the case of mixed content, anonymous block renderers will be created to wrap the inline elements.

Some render objects correspond to a DOM node but not in the same place in the tree. Floats and absolutely positioned elements are out of flow, placed in a different part of the tree, and mapped to the real frame. A placeholder frame is where they should have been.

The render tree and the corresponding DOM tree.
图片 13: The render tree and the corresponding DOM tree. The "Viewport" is the initial containing block. In WebKit it will be the "RenderView" object

The flow of constructing the tree

In Firefox, the presentation is registered as a listener for DOM updates. The presentation delegates frame creation to the FrameConstructor and the constructor resolves style (see style computation) and creates a frame.

In WebKit the process of resolving the style and creating a renderer is called "attachment". Every DOM node has an "attach" method. Attachment is synchronous, node insertion to the DOM tree calls the new node "attach" method.

Processing the html and body tags results in the construction of the render tree root. The root render object corresponds to what the CSS spec calls the containing block: the top most block that contains all other blocks. Its dimensions are the viewport: the browser window display area dimensions. Firefox calls it ViewPortFrame and WebKit calls it RenderView. This is the render object that the document points to. The rest of the tree is constructed as a DOM nodes insertion.

See the CSS2 spec on the processing model.

Style Computation

Building the render tree requires calculating the visual properties of each render object. This is done by calculating the style properties of each element.

The style includes style sheets of various origins, inline style elements and visual properties in the HTML (like the "bgcolor" property).The later is translated to matching CSS style properties.

The origins of style sheets are the browser's default style sheets, the style sheets provided by the page author and user style sheets - these are style sheets provided by the browser user (browsers let you define your favorite styles. In Firefox, for instance, this is done by placing a style sheet in the "Firefox Profile" folder).

Style computation brings up a few difficulties:

  1. Style data is a very large construct, holding the numerous style properties, this can cause memory problems.

  2. Finding the matching rules for each element can cause performance issues if it's not optimized. Traversing the entire rule list for each element to find matches is a heavy task. Selectors can have complex structure that can cause the matching process to start on a seemingly promising path that is proven to be futile and another path has to be tried.

    For example - this compound selector:

    div div div div{

    Means the rules apply to a <div> who is the descendant of 3 divs. Suppose you want to check if the rule applies for a given <div> element. You choose a certain path up the tree for checking. You may need to traverse the node tree up just to find out there are only two divs and the rule does not apply. You then need to try other paths in the tree.

  3. Applying the rules involves quite complex cascade rules that define the hierarchy of the rules.

Let's see how the browsers face these issues:

Sharing style data

WebKit nodes references style objects (RenderStyle). These objects can be shared by nodes in some conditions. The nodes are siblings or cousins and:

  1. The elements must be in the same mouse state (e.g., one can't be in :hover while the other isn't)
  2. Neither element should have an id
  3. The tag names should match
  4. The class attributes should match
  5. The set of mapped attributes must be identical
  6. The link states must match
  7. The focus states must match
  8. Neither element should be affected by attribute selectors, where affected is defined as having any selector match that uses an attribute selector in any position within the selector at all
  9. There must be no inline style attribute on the elements
  10. There must be no sibling selectors in use at all. WebCore simply throws a global switch when any sibling selector is encountered and disables style sharing for the entire document when they are present. This includes the + selector and selectors like :first-child and :last-child.

Firefox rule tree

Firefox has two extra trees for easier style computation: the rule tree and style context tree. WebKit also has style objects but they are not stored in a tree like the style context tree, only the DOM node points to its relevant style.

Firefox style context tree.
图片 14: Firefox style context tree.

The style contexts contain end values. The values are computed by applying all the matching rules in the correct order and performing manipulations that transform them from logical to concrete values. For example, if the logical value is a percentage of the screen it will be calculated and transformed to absolute units. The rule tree idea is really clever. It enables sharing these values between nodes to avoid computing them again. This also saves space.

All the matched rules are stored in a tree. The bottom nodes in a path have higher priority. The tree contains all the paths for rule matches that were found. Storing the rules is done lazily. The tree isn't calculated at the beginning for every node, but whenever a node style needs to be computed the computed paths are added to the tree.

The idea is to see the tree paths as words in a lexicon. Lets say we already computed this rule tree:

Computed rule tree
图片 15: Computed rule tree.

Suppose we need to match rules for another element in the content tree, and find out the matched rules (in the correct order) are B-E-I. We already have this path in the tree because we already computed path A-B-E-I-L. We will now have less work to do.

Let's see how the tree saves us work.

Division into structs

The style contexts are divided into structs. Those structs contain style information for a certain category like border or color. All the properties in a struct are either inherited or non inherited. Inherited properties are properties that unless defined by the element, are inherited from its parent. Non inherited properties (called "reset" properties) use default values if not defined.

The tree helps us by caching entire structs (containing the computed end values) in the tree. The idea is that if the bottom node didn't supply a definition for a struct, a cached struct in an upper node can be used.

Computing the style contexts using the rule tree

When computing the style context for a certain element, we first compute a path in the rule tree or use an existing one. We then begin to apply the rules in the path to fill the structs in our new style context. We start at the bottom node of the path - the one with the highest precedence (usually the most specific selector) and traverse the tree up until our struct is full. If there is no specification for the struct in that rule node, then we can greatly optimize - we go up the tree until we find a node that specifies it fully and simply point to it - that's the best optimization - the entire struct is shared. This saves computation of end values and memory.

If we find partial definitions we go up the tree until the struct is filled.

If we didn't find any definitions for our struct then, in case the struct is an "inherited" type, we point to the struct of our parent in the context tree. In this case we also succeeded in sharing structs. If it's a reset struct then default values will be used.

If the most specific node does add values then we need to do some extra calculations for transforming it to actual values. We then cache the result in the tree node so it can be used by children.

In case an element has a sibling or a brother that points to the same tree node then the entire style context can be shared between them.

Lets see an example: Suppose we have this HTML

<div class="err" id="div1">
this is a <span class="big"> big error </span>
this is also a
<span class="big"> very big error</span> error
<div class="err" id="div2">another error</div>

And the following rules:

div {margin: 5px; color:black}
.err {color:red}
.big {margin-top:3px}
div span {margin-bottom:4px}
#div1 {color:blue}
#div2 {color:green}

To simplify things let's say we need to fill out only two structs: the color struct and the margin struct. The color struct contains only one member: the color The margin struct contains the four sides.

The resulting rule tree will look like this (the nodes are marked with the node name: the number of the rule they point at):

The rule tree
图片 16: The rule tree

The context tree will look like this (node name: rule node they point to):

The context tree.
图片 17: The context tree

Suppose we parse the HTML and get to the second <div> tag. We need to create a style context for this node and fill its style structs.

We will match the rules and discover that the matching rules for the <div> are 1, 2 and 6. This means there is already an existing path in the tree that our element can use and we just need to add another node to it for rule 6 (node F in the rule tree).

We will create a style context and put it in the context tree. The new style context will point to node F in the rule tree.

We now need to fill the style structs. We will begin by filling out the margin struct. Since the last rule node (F) doesn't add to the margin struct, we can go up the tree until we find a cached struct computed in a previous node insertion and use it. We will find it on node B, which is the uppermost node that specified margin rules.

We do have a definition for the color struct, so we can't use a cached struct. Since color has one attribute we don't need to go up the tree to fill other attributes. We will compute the end value (convert string to RGB etc) and cache the computed struct on this node.

The work on the second <span> element is even easier. We will match the rules and come to the conclusion that it points to rule G, like the previous span. Since we have siblings that point to the same node, we can share the entire style context and just point to the context of the previous span.

For structs that contain rules that are inherited from the parent, caching is done on the context tree (the color property is actually inherited, but Firefox treats it as reset and caches it on the rule tree).

For instance if we added rules for fonts in a paragraph:

p {font-family: Verdana; font size: 10px; font-weight: bold}

Then the paragraph element, which is a child of the div in the context tree, could have shared the same font struct as his parent. This is if no font rules were specified for the paragraph.

In WebKit, who does not have a rule tree, the matched declarations are traversed four times. First non-important high priority properties are applied (properties that should be applied first because others depend on them, such as display), then high priority important, then normal priority non-important, then normal priority important rules. This means that properties that appear multiple times will be resolved according to the correct cascade order. The last wins.

So to summarize: sharing the style objects (entirely or some of the structs inside them) solves issues 1 and 3. The Firefox rule tree also helps in applying the properties in the correct order.

Manipulating the rules for an easy match

There are several sources for style rules:

  1. CSS rules, either in external style sheets or in style elements.
    p {color: blue}
  2. Inline style attributes like
    <p style="color: blue" />
  3. HTML visual attributes (which are mapped to relevant style rules)
    <p bgcolor="blue" />

The last two are easily matched to the element since he owns the style attributes and HTML attributes can be mapped using the element as the key.

As noted previously in issue #2, the CSS rule matching can be trickier. To solve the difficulty, the rules are manipulated for easier access.

After parsing the style sheet, the rules are added to one of several hash maps, according to the selector. There are maps by id, by class name, by tag name and a general map for anything that doesn't fit into those categories. If the selector is an id, the rule will be added to the id map, if it's a class it will be added to the class map etc.

This manipulation makes it much easier to match rules. There is no need to look in every declaration: we can extract the relevant rules for an element from the maps. This optimization eliminates 95+% of the rules, so that they need not even be considered during the matching process(4.1).

Let's see for example the following style rules:

p.error {color: red}
#messageDiv {height: 50px}
div {margin: 5px}

The first rule will be inserted into the class map. The second into the id map and the third into the tag map.

For the following HTML fragment;

<p class="error">an error occurred</p>
<div id=" messageDiv">this is a message</div>

We will first try to find rules for the p element. The class map will contain an "error" key under which the rule for "p.error" is found. The div element will have relevant rules in the id map (the key is the id) and the tag map. So the only work left is finding out which of the rules that were extracted by the keys really match.

For example if the rule for the div was

table div {margin: 5px}

it will still be extracted from the tag map, because the key is the rightmost selector, but it would not match our div element, who does not have a table ancestor.

Both WebKit and Firefox do this manipulation.

Applying the rules in the correct cascade order

The style object has properties corresponding to every visual attribute (all CSS attributes but more generic). If the property is not defined by any of the matched rules, then some properties can be inherited by the parent element style object. Other properties have default values.

The problem begins when there is more than one definition - here comes the cascade order to solve the issue.

Style sheet cascade order

A declaration for a style property can appear in several style sheets, and several times inside a style sheet. This means the order of applying the rules is very important. This is called the "cascade" order. According to CSS2 spec, the cascade order is (from low to high):

  1. Browser declarations
  2. User normal declarations
  3. Author normal declarations
  4. Author important declarations
  5. User important declarations

The browser declarations are least important and the user overrides the author only if the declaration was marked as important. Declarations with the same order will be sorted by specificity and then the order they are specified. The HTML visual attributes are translated to matching CSS declarations . They are treated as author rules with low priority.


The selector specificity is defined by the CSS2 specification as follows:

  1. count 1 if the declaration it is from is a 'style' attribute rather than a rule with a selector, 0 otherwise (= a)
  2. count the number of ID attributes in the selector (= b)
  3. count the number of other attributes and pseudo-classes in the selector (= c)
  4. count the number of element names and pseudo-elements in the selector (= d)

Concatenating the four numbers a-b-c-d (in a number system with a large base) gives the specificity.

The number base you need to use is defined by the highest count you have in one of the categories.

For example, if a=14 you can use hexadecimal base. In the unlikely case where a=17 you will need a 17 digits number base. The later situation can happen with a selector like this: html body div div p… (17 tags in your selector… not very likely).

Some examples:

 *             {}  /* a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 -> specificity = 0,0,0,0 */
li {} /* a=0 b=0 c=0 d=1 -> specificity = 0,0,0,1 */
li:first-line {} /* a=0 b=0 c=0 d=2 -> specificity = 0,0,0,2 */
ul li {} /* a=0 b=0 c=0 d=2 -> specificity = 0,0,0,2 */
ul ol+li {} /* a=0 b=0 c=0 d=3 -> specificity = 0,0,0,3 */
h1 + *[rel=up]{} /* a=0 b=0 c=1 d=1 -> specificity = 0,0,1,1 */
ul ol li.red {} /* a=0 b=0 c=1 d=3 -> specificity = 0,0,1,3 */
li.red.level {} /* a=0 b=0 c=2 d=1 -> specificity = 0,0,2,1 */
#x34y {} /* a=0 b=1 c=0 d=0 -> specificity = 0,1,0,0 */
style="" /* a=1 b=0 c=0 d=0 -> specificity = 1,0,0,0 */

Sorting the rules

After the rules are matched, they are sorted according to the cascade rules. WebKit uses bubble sort for small lists and merge sort for big ones. WebKit implements sorting by overriding the ">" operator for the rules:

static bool operator >(CSSRuleData& r1, CSSRuleData& r2)
int spec1 = r1.selector()->specificity();
int spec2 = r2.selector()->specificity();
return (spec1 == spec2) : r1.position() > r2.position() : spec1 > spec2;

Gradual process

WebKit uses a flag that marks if all top level style sheets (including @imports) have been loaded. If the style is not fully loaded when attaching, place holders are used and it is marked in the document, and they will be recalculated once the style sheets were loaded.


When the renderer is created and added to the tree, it does not have a position and size. Calculating these values is called layout or reflow.

HTML uses a flow based layout model, meaning that most of the time it is possible to compute the geometry in a single pass. Elements later "in the flow" typically do not affect the geometry of elements that are earlier "in the flow", so layout can proceed left-to-right, top-to-bottom through the document. There are exceptions: for example, HTML tables may require more than one pass.

The coordinate system is relative to the root frame. Top and left coordinates are used.

Layout is a recursive process. It begins at the root renderer, which corresponds to the <html> element of the HTML document. Layout continues recursively through some or all of the frame hierarchy, computing geometric information for each renderer that requires it.

The position of the root renderer is 0,0 and its dimensions are the viewport - the visible part of the browser window.

All renderers have a "layout" or "reflow" method, each renderer invokes the layout method of its children that need layout.

Dirty bit system

In order not to do a full layout for every small change, browsers use a "dirty bit" system. A renderer that is changed or added marks itself and its children as "dirty": needing layout.

There are two flags: "dirty", and "children are dirty" which means that although the renderer itself may be OK, it has at least one child that needs a layout.

Global and incremental layout

Layout can be triggered on the entire render tree - this is "global" layout. This can happen as a result of:

  1. A global style change that affects all renderers, like a font size change.
  2. As a result of a screen being resized

Layout can be incremental, only the dirty renderers will be laid out (this can cause some damage which will require extra layouts).

Incremental layout is triggered (asynchronously) when renderers are dirty. For example when new renderers are appended to the render tree after extra content came from the network and was added to the DOM tree.

Incremental layout.
图片 18: Incremental layout - only dirty renderers and their children are laid out (3.6)

Asynchronous and Synchronous layout

Incremental layout is done asynchronously. Firefox queues "reflow commands" for incremental layouts and a scheduler triggers batch execution of these commands. WebKit also has a timer that executes an incremental layout - the tree is traversed and "dirty" renderers are layout out.

Scripts asking for style information, like "offsetHeight" can trigger incremental layout synchronously.

Global layout will usually be triggered synchronously.

Sometimes layout is triggered as a callback after an initial layout because some attributes, like the scrolling position changed.


When a layout is triggered by a "resize" or a change in the renderer position(and not size), the renders sizes are taken from a cache and not recalculated…

In some cases only a sub tree is modified and layout does not start from the root. This can happen in cases where the change is local and does not affect its surroundings - like text inserted into text fields (otherwise every keystroke would trigger a layout starting from the root).

The layout process

The layout usually has the following pattern:

  1. Parent renderer determines its own width.
  2. Parent goes over children and:
    1. Place the child renderer (sets its x and y).
    2. Calls child layout if needed - they are dirty or we are in a global layout, or for some other reason - which calculates the child's height.
  3. Parent uses children's accumulative heights and the heights of margins and padding to set its own height - this will be used by the parent renderer's parent.
  4. Sets its dirty bit to false.

Firefox uses a "state" object(nsHTMLReflowState) as a parameter to layout (termed "reflow"). Among others the state includes the parents width.

The output of the Firefox layout is a "metrics" object(nsHTMLReflowMetrics). It will contain the renderer computed height.

Width calculation

The renderer's width is calculated using the container block's width, the renderer's style "width" property, the margins and borders.

For example the width of the following div:

<div style="width: 30%"/>

Would be calculated by WebKit as the following(class RenderBox method calcWidth):

  • The container width is the maximum of the containers availableWidth and 0. The availableWidth in this case is the contentWidth which is calculated as:
clientWidth() - paddingLeft() - paddingRight()

clientWidth and clientHeight represent the interior of an object excluding border and scrollbar.

  • The elements width is the "width" style attribute. It will be calculated as an absolute value by computing the percentage of the container width.

  • The horizontal borders and paddings are now added.

So far this was the calculation of the "preferred width". Now the minimum and maximum widths will be calculated.

If the preferred width is greater then the maximum width, the maximum width is used. If it is less then the minimum width (the smallest unbreakable unit) then the minimum width is used.

The values are cached in case a layout is needed, but the width does not change.

Line Breaking

When a renderer in the middle of a layout decides that it needs to break, the renderer stops and propagates to the layout's parent that it needs to be broken. The parent creates the extra renderers and calls layout on them.


In the painting stage, the render tree is traversed and the renderer's "paint()" method is called to display content on the screen. Painting uses the UI infrastructure component.

Global and Incremental

Like layout, painting can also be global - the entire tree is painted - or incremental. In incremental painting, some of the renderers change in a way that does not affect the entire tree. The changed renderer invalidates its rectangle on the screen. This causes the OS to see it as a "dirty region" and generate a "paint" event. The OS does it cleverly and coalesces several regions into one. In Chrome it is more complicated because the renderer is in a different process then the main process. Chrome simulates the OS behavior to some extent. The presentation listens to these events and delegates the message to the render root. The tree is traversed until the relevant renderer is reached. It will repaint itself (and usually its children).

The painting order

CSS2 defines the order of the painting process. This is actually the order in which the elements are stacked in the stacking contexts. This order affects painting since the stacks are painted from back to front. The stacking order of a block renderer is:

  1. background color
  2. background image
  3. border
  4. children
  5. outline

Firefox display list

Firefox goes over the render tree and builds a display list for the painted rectangular. It contains the renderers relevant for the rectangular, in the right painting order (backgrounds of the renderers, then borders etc).

That way the tree needs to be traversed only once for a repaint instead of several times - painting all backgrounds, then all images, then all borders etc.

Firefox optimizes the process by not adding elements that will be hidden, like elements completely beneath other opaque elements.

WebKit rectangle storage

Before repainting, WebKit saves the old rectangle as a bitmap. It then paints only the delta between the new and old rectangles.

Dynamic changes

The browsers try to do the minimal possible actions in response to a change. So changes to an element's color will cause only repaint of the element. Changes to the element position will cause layout and repaint of the element, its children and possibly siblings. Adding a DOM node will cause layout and repaint of the node. Major changes, like increasing font size of the "html" element, will cause invalidation of caches, relayout and repaint of the entire tree.

The rendering engine's threads

The rendering engine is single threaded. Almost everything, except network operations, happens in a single thread. In Firefox and Safari this is the main thread of the browser. In Chrome it's the tab process main thread.

Network operations can be performed by several parallel threads. The number of parallel connections is limited (usually 2 - 6 connections).

Event loop

The browser main thread is an event loop. It's an infinite loop that keeps the process alive. It waits for events (like layout and paint events) and processes them. This is Firefox code for the main event loop:

while (!mExiting)

CSS2 visual model

The canvas

According to the CSS2 specification, the term canvas describes "the space where the formatting structure is rendered": where the browser paints the content.

The canvas is infinite for each dimension of the space but browsers choose an initial width based on the dimensions of the viewport.

According to www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/zindex.html, the canvas is transparent if contained within another, and given a browser defined color if it is not.

CSS Box model

The CSS box model describes the rectangular boxes that are generated for elements in the document tree and laid out according to the visual formatting model.

Each box has a content area (e.g. text, an image, etc.) and optional surrounding padding, border, and margin areas.

CSS2 box model
图片 19: CSS2 box model

Each node generates 0…n such boxes.

All elements have a "display" property that determines the type of box that will be generated.


block: generates a block box.
inline: generates one or more inline boxes.
none: no box is generated.

The default is inline but the browser style sheet may set other defaults. For example: the default display for the "div" element is block.

You can find a default style sheet example here: www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/sample.html.

Positioning scheme

There are three schemes:

  1. Normal: the object is positioned according to its place in the document. This means its place in the render tree is like its place in the DOM tree and laid out according to its box type and dimensions
  2. Float: the object is first laid out like normal flow, then moved as far left or right as possible
  3. Absolute: the object is put in the render tree in a different place than in the DOM tree

The positioning scheme is set by the "position" property and the "float" attribute.

  • static and relative cause a normal flow
  • absolute and fixed cause absolute positioning

In static positioning no position is defined and the default positioning is used. In the other schemes, the author specifies the position: top, bottom, left, right.

The way the box is laid out is determined by:

  • Box type
  • Box dimensions
  • Positioning scheme
  • External information such as image size and the size of the screen

Box types

Block box: forms a block - has its own rectangle in the browser window.

Block box.
图片 20: Block box

Inline box: does not have its own block, but is inside a containing block.

Inline boxes.
图片 21: Inline boxes

Blocks are formatted vertically one after the other. Inlines are formatted horizontally.

Block and Inline formatting.
图片 22: Block and Inline formatting

Inline boxes are put inside lines or "line boxes". The lines are at least as tall as the tallest box but can be taller, when the boxes are aligned "baseline" - meaning the bottom part of an element is aligned at a point of another box other then the bottom. If the container width is not enough, the inlines will be put on several lines. This is usually what happens in a paragraph.

图片 23: Lines



Relative positioning - positioned like usual and then moved by the required delta.

Relative positioning.
图片 24: Relative positioning


A float box is shifted to the left or right of a line. The interesting feature is that the other boxes flow around it. The HTML:

<img style="float: right" src="images/image.gif" width="100" height="100">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer...

Will look like:

图片 25: Float

Absolute and fixed

The layout is defined exactly regardless of the normal flow. The element does not participate in the normal flow. The dimensions are relative to the container. In fixed, the container is the viewport.

Fixed positioning.
图片 26: Fixed positioning

The fixed box will not move even when the document is scrolled!

Layered representation

This is specified by the z-index CSS property. It represents the third dimension of the box: its position along the "z axis".

The boxes are divided into stacks (called stacking contexts). In each stack the back elements will be painted first and the forward elements on top, closer to the user. In case of overlap the foremost element will hide the former element.

The stacks are ordered according to the z-index property. Boxes with "z-index" property form a local stack. The viewport has the outer stack.


<style type="text/css">
div {
position: absolute;
left: 2in;
top: 2in;

style="z-index: 3;background-color:red; width: 1in; height: 1in; ">
style="z-index: 1;background-color:green;width: 2in; height: 2in;">

The result will be this:

Fixed positioning.
图片 27: Fixed positioning

Although the red div precedes the green one in the markup, and would have been painted before in the regular flow, the z-index property is higher, so it is more forward in the stack held by the root box.


  1. Browser architecture

    1. Grosskurth, Alan. A Reference Architecture for Web Browsers (pdf)
    2. Gupta, Vineet. How Browsers Work - Part 1 - Architecture
  2. Parsing

    1. Aho, Sethi, Ullman, Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (aka the "Dragon book"), Addison-Wesley, 1986
    2. Rick Jelliffe. The Bold and the Beautiful: two new drafts for HTML 5.
  3. Firefox

    1. L. David Baron, Faster HTML and CSS: Layout Engine Internals for Web Developers.
    2. L. David Baron, Faster HTML and CSS: Layout Engine Internals for Web Developers (Google tech talk video)
    3. L. David Baron, Mozilla's Layout Engine
    4. L. David Baron, Mozilla Style System Documentation
    5. Chris Waterson, Notes on HTML Reflow
    6. Chris Waterson, Gecko Overview
    7. Alexander Larsson, The life of an HTML HTTP request
  4. WebKit

    1. David Hyatt, Implementing CSS(part 1)
    2. David Hyatt, An Overview of WebCore
    3. David Hyatt, WebCore Rendering
    4. David Hyatt, The FOUC Problem
  5. W3C Specifications

    1. HTML 4.01 Specification
    2. W3C HTML5 Specification
    3. Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification
  6. Browsers build instructions

    1. Firefox. https://developer.mozilla.org/Build_Documentation
    2. WebKit. http://webkit.org/building/build.html
Tali Garsiel

Tali Garsiel is a developer in Israel. She started as a web developer in 2000, and became aquainted with Netscape's "evil" layer model. Just like Richard Feynmann, she had a fascination for figuring out how things work so she began digging into browser internals and documenting what she found. Tali also has published a short guide on client-side performance.


This page has been translated into Japanese, twice! How Browsers Work - Behind the Scenes of Modern Web Browsers (ja) by @kosei and also ブラウザってどうやって動いてるの?(モダンWEBブラウザシーンの裏側 by @ikeike443 and @kiyoto01.

You can view the externally hosted translations of Korean and Turkish as well.

Thanks everyone!